Create a new project

The CLI tool will scaffold the project and install all the required dependencies. To create a new project, run the CLI as follows and answer the prompts

Create project with name `nodeapi`

nodpi p nodeapi

Starting the project

cd nodeapi
npm i
npm start

In a browser, visit http://localhost:2020 for api documentation

Project Folder Structure will look as follow

Please do changes in config.js file for admin credentials and gmail smtp credentials to send to mails

const config = {
    "dbname" : "nodpi",
    "api_url" : "http://localhost:2020/api/",
    "app_url" : ""

module.exports = config;

Starting the project

cd nodeapi
npm i
npm start

In a browser, visit http://localhost:2020 for api documentation

Welcome Mail

Reset Password Mail

Change Password Form

Last updated